شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (زمستان 1403) منتشر شد

Volume 14, Issue 1 (10-2023)                   Social Problems of Iran 2023, 14(1): 279-303 | Back to browse issues page

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Porrajabi M, Majdi A, Hassani Darmian G, Asgharpour Masouleh A. (2023). A phenomenological study of the meaning of development among marginal areas (case study: Rasht city). Social Problems of Iran. 14(1), 279-303. doi:10.61186/jspi.14.1.279
URL: http://jspi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3633-en.html
1- , majdi@um.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2948 Views)
Development has a socio-cultural structure; Thus, examining the understanding structure of development among the marginalized areas can provide the benefit of the majority of the society from the effects of development and distribution justice, which means the fair distribution of opportunities and benefiting from its effects and consequences, and make it possible to prioritize the provision of minimum needs for the marginalized areas. In order to understand the meaning of development and the lived experience of people among marginalized people, an in-depth and semi-structured interview was conducted with 43 marginalized people (reached the stage of theoretical saturation) using the phenomenological method. The findings of the research show that the marginal residents understand the meaning of development among the marginal residents as development-centered, ethics-centered, transparent-centered, quality-centered, and psycho-centered. Also, the rotation of intermediate components through a theoretical extension of the structure of the formation of powerful urban character was identified and adjusted based on this research. According to the findings of the research, it is suggested that the components of benefiting the majority of the society, acquiring knowledge, raising the level of people's information, and increasing social responsibility based on the participatory approach, should be put on the agenda in order to balance the marginalized settlements.
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Type of Article: Original Research | Subject: Culture
Received: 2023/07/3 | Accepted: 2023/09/23 | Published: 2023/10/9

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