شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (زمستان 1403) منتشر شد

Authors Guidelines

 | Post date: 2020/11/15 | 
  Dear author:
Hello, while thanking you for submitting your article to Social Problems of Iran Quarterly, please pay attention to the following points when submitting your article. If you do not comply with any of the points, your article will not be included in the review process.

1. Requirements for submitting an article
- Registration on the journal website: To submit an article to Social Problems of Iran Quarterly, it is necessary for all authors to enter the journal website (https://jspi.khu.ac.ir) and register there (for the first time), and get a username and password to become the owner of your own page. The process of submitting an article is done only through the journal website and the author's dedicated page.
- Obtaining the researcher ID (ORCID): all authors and reviewers who cooperate with this journal must first register and receive a researcher ID on the orcid.org website. It is mandatory to insert the link of the researcher's ID under the name of the author/authors on the first page of the article.
- The article should be sent only through the journal system. Articles sent by email will not be considered.

2. Literary arrangement and layout of the article
- The article should be typed in the Word program with IRLotus 13 Farsi font and Times New Roman 11 English font.
- Page size: A4 Line spacing; 1 Empty margin around the text; Normal Text without any indentation/without empty lines and extra space between lines.
- The volume of the article should not exceed 12000 words.
- The font and size of the article in different sections should be adjusted based on the following table.

Guide to setting the font and size of the article in Farsi
Subject Font Size
The title of the article in Farsi IRLotus 15 Bold
Authors' names in Farsi IRLotus 12 bold
Persian abstract text IRLotus 11 thin
Keywords IRLotus 12 Bold
The text of the article IRLotus 13 thin
Main titles and subtitles inside the text B Mitra 14 bold
Header IRLotus 10 thin
Persian Latin footnotes IRLotus 9 thin
Latin footnotes Times New Roman 8 thin
Titles of tables and figures IRLotus 11 bold
Text inside tables and figures IRLotus 11 thin
Persian references IRLotus 13 thin
Latin references Times New Roman 11 thin

Guide to setting the font and size of the article in English
Subject Font Size
The title of the article in English Times New Roman 12 bold
Authors' names in English Times New Roman 11 thin
Abstract title Times New Roman 11 bold
English abstract text Times New Roman 11 thin
English keywords Times New Roman 11 thin

A few reminders:
- Avoid inserting extra space (Enter) throughout the text, including between main titles or between tables and related figures and explanatio.
- "Took number" or superscript, which is used above the background line of the text "1" to insert the footnote, should not have any distance with the related word that is placed on it, and it comes after punctuation marks (like a comma). In addition, it is necessary to insert a point after the numbers in the footnote.
- The main and sub-titles of the article should be numbered, and after the number of the titles, a dot should be inserted instead of a dash. A dot is inserted after all numbers without a space, either in the footnote or in the text.
- In-text references are in Farsi, and non-Persian equivalents of specific names or places or abbreviated terms are inserted as subtitles on the same page the first time they are used (only once).
- At the beginning of the references list, a space or dash (-) and a period should be inserted at the end.
- Insert numbers in the text and footnotes (especially in-text references and references) from small to large and from left to right (according to the logic of mathematical writing). For example: Durkheim (1858-1917); Social Problems of Iran Quarterly, 15(1), 51-32.
- Correct writing and correct spacing between words and observance of semi-spaces are emphasized according to the approvals of the Persian Language and Literature Academy (to insert correct semi-spaces, use the combination keys Ctrl + Shift + 2).

3.  Submitted files
The files that authors must submitt are as follows and include two files:
A) The main file of the article includes:
Title, name and address of the author: on the sheet of the article, the name of the author/authors, professional or scientific title and the full name and address of the institution where the research was conducted, the researcher's ID (orchid code) and its link, as well as the email address and number It should be included with the authors (the pattern of Persian articles published in the magazine should be observed and followed).
b) File without authors' names:
This file is the same as the previous file without any names and addresses of the authors and without an English abstract (authors are required to remove their first and last name, academic position, email, address and telephone from the article at this stage).

4. The structure of the article
Dear authors, be sure to follow the structure of the article as follows. Articles that do not comply with this structure will either not be edited or will be sent back for correction and resubmission.

- The title of the article should be short (preferably between 10 and 12 words), concise and representative of the entire article.
- In the title, the main research concepts should be used.
- In many cases, there is no need to write the research method in the title, unless the research topic has been conducted with a new method that the authors and the scientific community are not familiar with.

- The abstract should be written in both Persian and English and should be included on the first page of the article.
- The number of words in both Persian and English abstracts should be between 200 and 250 words.
- The number of detailed English abstract words should be between 1000 and 1200 words, and its content should be specified with a title in four sections: 1) introduction, 2) method, 3) findings, 4) conclusion.
- The English abstract should be written in both the main abstract and the extended abstract and should be inserted at the beginning of the article. When submitting an article, there is no need to send a detailed abstract, only the main abstract (200 to 250 words is enough). A detailed abstract is required after the acceptance of the article and at the time of publication, which will be communicated to the authors.
- The abstract should represent the entire content of the research in the form of summaries. The abstract should have four main parts: introduction, method, findings, and conclusion. In other words, the details of the abstract should be as follows: main goal/question of the research, theoretical/conceptual framework, research paradigm and method, field and statistical population (participants) of the research, method of data collection and analysis, findings, conclusion.
- The abstract should be written in one paragraph, unstructured (without subtitles), without using abbreviations and without using references.

- The number of keywords should be between 5 and 7.
- In keywords, refer to the main concepts of the research, not to understandable, obvious and clear words such as gender and status; Not specific names such as province and city; And not with the research method such as grounded theory and phenomenology (except when necessary).

Introduction and statement of the problem
- In stating the problem, the problem formulation of the research topic should be addressed by citing sufficient evidence (such as statistics, research background, etc.) and logical reasoning. It is necessary to mention the main question (objective) of the research at the end of the statement of the problem.

Theoretical (conceptual) framework
- In the theoretical framework, only the theories that the researcher is going to use to examine and analyze his subject should be mentioned. There is no need to mention all related theories.
- In this section, if necessary and especially in explanatory studies that look for the cause-effect relationship between variables, the theoretical model of the research should be drawn and presented.
- In quantitative research that deals with the conceptual framework, it is preferable to draw and present a conceptual model.
- There is no need for a theoretical or conceptual model in qualitative research that deals with a conceptual framework.
- Hypotheses must be mentioned in explanatory studies that look for cause-effect relationships between variables. These hypotheses can be given in an independent heading or at the end of the theoretical framework.

Empirical background
- In the empirical background (both internal and external), the most important studies related to the research issue should be mentioned, not side and marginal studies.
- In the empirical background, the most important studies related to the research issue should be addressed in an organic and organized manner and not in a mosaic and separate manner.
- In this section, the studies carried out inside and outside the country should be mentioned and finally these studies should be summarized and criticized and it should be mentioned what difference, relative advantage and innovation the current research has compared to the previous studies. This issue is very important in the initial review of the article by the editor and sending it for refereeing.

- In the research method, according to the research questions, the appropriate method is chosen and things like research paradigm and method, field and participants, statistical population (participants) and sampling design (sample size and sampling method) and data collection and analysis method should be mentioned. .
- In the measurement tool section, refer to the properties of the questionnaire and how to design and implement it (pre-test). The conceptual and operational definition of variables should be done well.
- The method of guaranteeing the quality of research and measurement tools (validity and reliability) should be stated precisely.
- In the data analysis section, the names and reasons for using the statistical methods and tests used in the research should be specifically mentioned. In the case of new and less common softwares, more explanation should be given about these softwares.

- Do not confuse findings with discussion and conclusion. Some authors bring together the content of the two parts of findings and discussion and conclusion. Avoid this.
- Title the findings based on the test used. There is no need to divide the findings into descriptive and inferential parts.
- Mention the main findings. Avoid secondary findings.
- The number of tables in the findings should be limited. Preferably no more than 5 to 7 tables.
- Similar findings should be presented in a table to reduce the volume of tables and findings.

Discussion and conclusion
- The discussion and conclusion is not a repetition of the findings. In this section, you should conclude from the sum of the previous sections (problem, theory, method and findings) what the sum of your article implies.
- The discussion and conclusion of the article should be based on the findings.
- In the discussion and conclusion, be sure to refer to both the theoretical/conceptual framework of the research and the empirical background.

- Bringing this section in the article is optional.
- In this section, you can thank the people or organizations who helped you in writing the article, but did not have a authorship role.

Contribution of authors
- In articles that have been co-authored and several authors had a role in writing it, the role of different authors in different parts of the article should be mentioned.
- Among the roles that writers have in writing an article, one can mention collecting, analyzing or interpreting data for the work, preparing the draft text of the article or revising it critically to provide an important intellectual content, providing approval for publishing the content of the article, and so on.
- The example of the contribution of the authors is as follows: "All the authors contributed equally in writing the article".
- For single author articles, simply write that "the article is written by a single author".

Financial resources
- In this section, if the article was compiled with the financial support of an organization, the name of that organization should be mentioned.
- The sample text of financial sources is as follows: "This article was written independently and no financial support was received from any organization to write it".

Conflict of interest
- In this section, the author(s) must declare that there is no commercial interest related to the publication of the article submitted to the journal and that they have not received any money for submitting their article.
- The example of the conflict of interest text is as follows: "According to the statement of the author(s), there is no conflict of interest in this article".
- It is also necessary for the authors to download the conflict of interest form from the "for authors" menu on the "main page of the journal" and after completing it, attach and send it in a separate file in the file upload section.

Following the principles of research ethics
- In this section, the author(s) must declare that they have completely avoided examples of unethical publishing, including plagiarism, misbehavior, data falsification, or double submission and publication, in relation to the publication of the presented article.
- The example of the text following the ethical principles of the research is as follows: "The author has observed all the ethical points, especially the non-manipulation and distortion of data in this article".

- Use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style to write references in the text and in the reference list (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references).
- All sources in the text, table and figure should be mentioned in the reference list at the end of the article and vice versa.

- Bringing this section is not required for all articles.
- In this section, important information (such as tables, figures, etc.) is presented, which will make the main text of the article longer and, as a result, misunderstand the readers. For example, in meta-analysis articles, if it is necessary, the table related to the properties of the investigated researches can be provided in the appendix.

Figures (diagrams)
- All figures should have a title. The title of the figures should be below it.
- Figures should be loaded in the main text.
- The content of the figure, especially the diagram and map, should be legible, clear and obvious.
- Figures should be numbered in order.
- If you used a source for the figure, mention the source below it.

- All tables should have titles. The title of the table should come above it.
- Tables should be loaded in the main text.
- The contents of the tables should be readable, clear and obvious.
- Tables should be numbered in order.
- If you used a source for a table, the source should be mentioned below.

5. How to refer according to the style of the American Psychological Association (APA)
- As mentioned before, to refer to the sources used in the text and the list of references, the referencing style of the American Psychological Association (APA) must be used. Examples of referencing based on APA style are as follows:
- Ritzer, George (2011). Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Ritzer, G. (2011). Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Ritzer, George (2011). Sociological Theory (8nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Strauss, Anselm, & Corbin, Juliet (1998). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. London: Sage Publications.
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (Richard Nice, Trans.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Thornberg, R., & Charmaz, K. (2014). Grounded Theory and Theoretical Coding. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis (pp. 153-169). London: Sage Publications.
- Adelman, Miriam, & Ruggi, Lennita (2015). The Sociology of the body. Current Sociology64(6), 907-930. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011392115596561
- Walby, Sylvia (2013). Violence and society: Introduction to an emerging field of sociologyCurrent Sociology61(2), 95-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011392112456478
- Gayet-Viaud, C. (2018). Streetcorner Politics: Urban Public Life, Civility and Everyday Citizenship (France). XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities (p. 353). Toronto: International Sociological Association.
- Serajzadeh, S. H., & Rahmani, J. (2018, July). A Qualitative Study of Ethnocentrism and Nationalism Among Sunni and Shiite Kurds of Iran. Paper presented at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities. https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/world-congress/toronto-2018/

- Ellis, Erle C. (2018, August 11). Science Alone Won’t Save the Earth; People Have to Do That. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/11/opinion/sunday/science-people-environment-earth.html?searchResultPosition=39
- Gutting, G. (2016, March 31). Is Voting Out of Self-Interest Wrong? The New York Times. https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/31/is-voting-out-of-self-interest-wrong/?searchResultPosition=4
- Wiktorsson, S. (2012). Attempted suicide in late life: A prospective study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Gothenburg.
- Winston-Prosper, O. (2018). Building Trust and Strong Family-community Ties in the Face of Poverty and Homelessness (Publication No. 10791299) [Doctoral dissertation, Sage Graduate School]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Open.
- Social issue. (2020, September 10). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_issue
- Woodyatt, A. (2019, September 10). Daytime naps once or twice a week may be linked to a healthy heart, researchers say. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/10/health/nap-heart-health-wellness-intl-scli/index.html
- National Institute of Mental Health. (2018, July). Anxiety disorders. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml
- World Health Organization. (2018, September 21). Global status report on alcohol and health 2018. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/274603/9789241565639-eng.pdf?ua=1

6. Completing the commitment letter and conflict of interest forms
- Dear authors, it is necessary to download the commitment letter and conflict of interest forms from the "For authors" menu on the "main page of the journal website" and after completing, signing and scanning, attach and send them in a separate file in the file upload section.
- The text related to the conflict of interest should come after "financial resources" in the article.

7. The cost of refereeing and publishing articles:
- According to the approval of the research vice-chancellor of the university, Social Problems of Iran Quarterly receives 600,000 Tomans for the cost of reviewing and publication from the authors of the articles.
- 150,000 Tomans of this amount will be received for the reviewing of the articles, and 450,000 Tomans will be received for the processing and publication costs of the articles that are accepted after the review process.

The cost of reviewing and publishing articles
Subject Fee (tomans)
Review 150.000
Processing and publication 450.000
Total 600.000

Journal management


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