شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (بهار 1403) منتشر شد

Journal Objectives and Ethical Principles of the Journal

 | Post date: 2020/11/8 | 
The Iranian Journal of Social Issues is published in the form of a bi-scientific-research quarterly, based on the license No. 3/11/821 dated 10/5/88 of the Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, which has been extended so far.
Background: The Journal of Social Problems was previously published under the title Special Issue of Social Sciences, Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Teacher Training University, Tehran. The journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Tarbiat Moallem University was published in 1997 with a scientific-research validity as a multidisciplinary journal with various topics in humanities. Since 2004, when the Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology began to move towards the specialization of scientific journals, this journal has been published alternately with two special issues of Persian literature and social sciences. Up to now, 6 special issues of the journal of social sciences special have been made available to researchers. As the process of specialization of scientific-research journals as much as continued, based on the license No. 3/11/821 dated 2009/08/01 of the Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, the special issue of social sciences changed into an independent scientific-research bi-quarterly under the title: Iranian Journal of Social Issues.
During the publication of the magazine, Dr. Gholam Ali Fallah and then Dr. Fatemeh Javaheri were the managing director and Dr. Ahmad Rajabzadeh and then Dr. Seyed Hossein Serajzadeh were the editors of the journal.The editorial board members of the journal are: Dr. Farhang Ershad, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Panahi, Dr. Fatemeh Javaheri, Dr. Bijan Zare, Dr. Seyed Hossein Serajzadeh, Dr. Mansoureh Azam Azadeh, Dr. Ebrahim Fayuzat, Dr. Masoud Golchin, Dr. Mohammad Mirzaei, Dr. Mansour Vosoughi.
Field of activity: The main field of activity of the Iranian Journal of Social Issues is focused on publishing experimental scientific-research articles with the approach of social issues of Iran. However, given that the field of social issues is an interdisciplinary field, research articles (theoretical and experimental) from the fields of sociology, anthropology, demography, cultural studies and communication, and related fields that in any way assist to recognize, analyze and manage the difficult and complex social issues of Iranian society are also welcomed. Also, in each issue, 2 to 3 new books on social issues are introduced and critiqued.
Received articles will be published based on the procedure of scientific-research journals and after evaluation by experts in the field related to the article and with the opinion of the editorial board of the journal. Efforts are made to determine the results of the evaluations and to inform the authors of the articles in a short period of time
Ethical Principles of the Journal
The people active in the journal (managing director, editor, members of the editorial board, internal director, editor and publisher) and the authors accept the journal's ethical rules and charter as follows and are committed to complying with it.
The COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics is a guide for authors and contributors to the journal:
  1. Publishing and publishing decisions: Copyright laws are observed by the publication and the rights of individuals are protected at the time of publication.
  2. Fair decision-making about articles: ‌ Decision-making about articles is done at any stage regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious, ethnic, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.
  3. Confidentiality of information: The personal information of the authors of the articles is completely confidential for all people who have access to it, such as the editor, members of the editorial board and the internal and executive director of the journal and other active factors (other than the author) such as judges, consultants, editors and publishers. It is considered to be protected.
  4. Respect for the interests of individuals: The use of the results of other research and the contents of the works of others should be done with accurate reference and, if necessary, with the permission of the owners of the work.
Ethical responsibility of editors and editorial board
  1. The editor and editorial board have full authority in rejecting or accepting any article based on the criteria and criteria of the journal and the overall quality of the published articles is their responsibility.
  2. The editor and editorial board Suggest and implement strategies, programs and programs to improve the quality of articles;
  3. The editor should provide the necessary guidance on the expectations of the authors. These guidelines should be regularly updated and, if possible, referred to these criteria;
  4. Final decisions should not be overturned without solid evidence and the gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and religion of the authors overshadow the editorial decision;
  5. The anonymity of the judges and authors should be maintained until a decision has been made on the article.
  6. The editor is obliged to send the result of their evaluation to the author even if the article is not accepted by the judges.
Ethical responsibility of judges
  1. Assisting the decision of the editorial board of the journal in the qualitative, content and scientific review of articles;
  2.  Speed of action in evaluating the articles referred to them;
  3. Confidentiality of information of articles submitted by the publication ;
  4.  Arbitration by presenting scientific and transparent documents and arguments;
  5. Paying attention to the sources used in the article;
  6. Observing impartiality and not reviewing articles for personal purposes.
 Ethical responsibility of authors
  1. Presenting articles in a scientific and coherent manner, in accordance with the journal standard;
  2.  Provide raw data used in the article if needed;
  3. Originality of the presented article;
  4. Not to submit an article that has been accepted or is being evaluated in another journal;
  5. Mentioning appropriate references in the text of the article and sources;
  6. Mentioning financial support in necessary cases;
  7. Avoid mentioning the names of people who did not play a role in the production of the article as authors.

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