شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (زمستان 1403) منتشر شد

Volume 13, Issue 2 (3-2023)                   Social Problems of Iran 2023, 13(2): 261-280 | Back to browse issues page

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Keshavarz K, Shikholeslam F, Moosavi Viayeh F. (2023). Sexual harassment in the university: A Sociological Perspective. Social Problems of Iran. 13(2), 261-280.
URL: http://jspi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3446-en.html
1- Assistant professor of sociology and member of the academic staff of the Institute of Cultural and Social Studies , keshavarz@iscs.ac.ir
2- Master of Cultural Studies
3- PhD in Sociology of Iran's social Problems
Abstract:   (1655 Views)
The main purpose of this research is to provide a data-driven model about causes and circumstances of occurring sexual harassments in the university. The research data were collected through interviews with 15 female students (purposeful sampling) in one of the public universities of Iran outside the center; in addition to that the data were gathered by studying and reviewing the available documents and experiences of some universities.  Data analysis after open, axial, and selective coding showed that the gender discriminatory structure of the larger society is reproduced in the university and therefore the gender inequalities and inferiority and powerlessness of women continue. Reproducing the culture of rape on campus along with ethnocentrism and the bureaucracy's lack of sensitivity to sexual harassment of women, create a situation in which victims' complaints are ignored or they are forced to remain silent in order to preserve their honor and dignity. The consequences of these conditions will be the collapse of students' beliefs about the position of university and their alienation and frustration. Eventually, the university is unsuccessful in realizing its aspirations and achieving its goals to meet the needs of society and the growth and development of a more just social order and moving toward gender equality.

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Type of Article: Original Research |
Received: 2022/12/5 | Accepted: 2023/02/8 | Published: 2023/03/19

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