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Volume 9, Issue 1 (9-2018)                   Social Problems of Iran 2018, 9(1): 29-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Amirkafi M, karevani A. (2018). A Study of the Effects of Organizational Justice and Organizational Identity on Organizational Commitment. Social Problems of Iran. 9(1), 29-51.
URL: http://jspi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2906-en.html
1- , mamirkafi@uk.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3982 Views)
Present research aimed to study the effects of organizational justice on the organizational commitment, focusing on the mediating role of organizational identity. The statistical population includes all working nurses at Kerman city public hospitals. Also the sample includes 396 subjects selected through stratified sampling. Results of structural equation modeling showed that the distributive justice and interactional justice did not have direct effect on organizational commitment but had indirect effect through organizational identity. The findings indicated that the main variables of research, including distributive, interactional justice and organizational identity -identification, pride and respect- explain 72 percent of the variances of the organizational commitment.
Generally, the results obtained through statistical calculations show that the nurses’ judgments on the received resources and also their evaluations of the fairness of the supervisors’ and hospital administrators’ treatments is a key determinant in strengthening organizational identity. In fact, the fair treatment of the hospital administrators increase nurses’ sense of oneness and belonging to hospital, improve their worth and status in the work groups and hospital. it provokes the sense of pride among the nurses as the valuable members of the nursing team, too. Moreover, the findings revealed that organizational identity which is composed of three dimensions, including identification, sense of pride and respect, predict higher levels of organizational commitment. Also, the findings provide convincing indications about the importance and role of organizational identity in explanation of organizational commitment and support the application of the identity- based models in nurses’ organization setting.
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Type of Article: Original Research | Subject: Security
Received: 2018/08/26 | Accepted: 2018/08/26 | Published: 2018/08/26

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