Amin Bidakhti A, Mohammadifar M, Kiani K. (2018). The Impact of University Atmosphere and Value System on Students’ Tendency to Migrattion from Iran: The Study of Semnan University Students
Social Problems of Iran.
8(2), 99-120.
Abstract: (3917 Views)
Present study aimed to investigate the relationship between university atmosphere and the value system with tendency to emigration among Semnan University students. The method of research was descriptive-correlational. The study population consisted of university students of Semnan (13089 students). Using random stratified sampling and Morgan table, 384 of them were selected as sample. Measurement tools included questionnaire of tendency to emigration (Janalizadeh et al, 2014), questionnaire of university atmosphere (Nosrati et al, 2015), and questionnaire of Value Survey (Schwartz, 2004). Reliability was calculated with Cronbach alpha and was respectively (82.0), (87/0) and (91/0) for each instrument. Based on research findings the tendency of migration among students was ranging from moderate to high. Also, all dimensions of the university atmosphere and value system showed relationship with and were able to forecast students’’ tendency to migrate.
Type of Article:
Original Research |
Received: 2018/02/24 | Accepted: 2018/02/24 | Published: 2018/02/24