شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (پاییز 1403) منتشر شد

Volume 7, Issue 2 (1-2017)                   Social Problems of Iran 2017, 7(2): 5-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimi G, Aliverdinia A, Janmohammadi largani V, Andarvaj S F. (2017). A Sociological Study on Adherence to Social Norms and Its Relevant Factors: (Case Study of Inhabitants and the Tourists of Mazandaran Province). Social Problems of Iran. 7(2), 5-29. doi:10.18869/acadpub.jspi.7.2.5
URL: http://jspi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2644-en.html
1- , ghorbanaliebrahimi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4176 Views)

"Social Norm" is among main and fundamental concepts of sociology which has a significant effecting role in the stability and alteration of the social system. The aim of this research is to recognize the pattern of social norms and to recognize the relevant social factors in Mazandaran costs. Therefore, Elster’s theory (1989) is used for the dependent variable and for the independent variable integrated approach is used. The research methodology of this paper is survey. Overall, 600 people among the inhabitants and the tourists of Mazandaran costs were selected (300 hundred of inhabitants and 300 of tourists) as the research sample by applying the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The Required data were obtained by the questionnaire. The results of the research show that there is a significant relationship between four variables (intragroup affairs, social cohesion, social commitment, and rationality) with “social norm” and only intragroup status apprehension variable does not have a significant relationship with “social norm”. The variable of collective commitment is the strongest predictor of “social norm” with the standard coefficient of 0.319 and after that variables of social cohesion, intragroup affairs and rationality are next in rank with the standard coefficients of 0.172, 0.135, and 0.111, respectively.

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Type of Article: Original Research |
Received: 2017/01/16 | Accepted: 2017/01/16 | Published: 2017/01/16

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