شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (زمستان 1403) منتشر شد
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Showing 1 results for Agamben
Ali Khosravi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (3-2022)
The research program of Agamben, the famous philosopher of neo-marxism, exposes the anarchic nature of law as an apparatus for gaining power. This apparatus is used in State of exception through the suspension of the law. Contrary to the government's claim, what provides the ontological basis for the suspension of the law is not the violation of the law, but the originality of the law. Agamben attacks it. It even negates the national state in implicit implications. This negation expresses the ideal of the universal unity of communism. However the historical coordinates of contemporary Iran are: lack of national state, lack of law, projection (conspiracy theory), and political-economic populism. Given these coordinates, a reflexivity of Agamben's theoretical apparatus from a local perspective is necessary. In a statement, Agamben called health protocols in the age of the corona pandemic useless and conspiratorial, in other words, he called us to violate the relevant laws. His remarks confirm the need to consciously confront the views of neo-Marxism in Iran. Accordingly, the present article, with a brief essay on juridical identity, typical identity, and the playing identity of the modern state in Iran, reminds us of the need for indigenous attention to the theories of neo-Marxism. The findings of this analytical article show that the identity of the modern state in Iran is bureaucratic, undemocratic, and antagonistic. Therefore, what has provided the ontological origin of the suspension of law in Iran is not the originality and legitimacy of the law. origin of the suspension of the law in Iran are: the political metaphysics of illegality, the originality of the charisma of the ruling person, the originality of anti-colonialism, the originality of anti-imperialism and global capitalism, the originality of a particular reading from religion.