شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (تابستان 1403) منتشر شد

Journal of Social Problems of Iran- Author Guidelines
Authors Guidelines

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2020/11/15 | 
Dear Authors:
Please pay attention to the following points when submitting the article. Your case will not be reviewed if you do not comply with any of the following:
The article should be typed in the word program with B Nazanin font 12 (in Persian), and should be sent only through the Journal site. Article size should not exceed 9,000 words. The files that authors must submit includes 2 files:
  1. Main file of the article includes:
Title, name and address of the author: In the article sheet, the name of the author / authors - supervisor - affiliation or scientific title and the full name and address of the research institution and the e-mail and mobile number of the authors should be included.
Article Structure: Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Original Text (Introduction, Discussion), Conclusion, Footnote, References
Graphs and figures: Presented ready for printing and marked in the original text. The contents of the tables should be clear and obvious, and they should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
Sources and references: The following pattern should be applied in mentioning the sources and references at the end of the article:
Book: Author surname, author name (date of publication) Book name. Name of translator or proofreader. Number of volumes. Published. Place of publication: Publisher.
Article: a) From journals: author surname, author name (date of publication) "Article title". Name of the publication. Magazine Course. Number. Page number at the beginning and end of the article.
B) From the collections: surname of the author, name (publication date) "title of the article". Collection or book name. Name and surname of the compiler of the collection. Place of publication: Publisher. Page number at the beginning and end of the article.
Websites: Author ‌ Surname, name (date of publication). "title of the subject". Name and address of the website in italics. Last revised database.
References: In the text should be exactly like this: (Author surname, year of publication: page number).
Footnote: Do not include any explanation in the footnote of the article pages, any explanation should be transferred to the footnote with a single number - which appears at the end of the article and before the sources and references.
  1. File without the name of the authors:
This file is the same as the previous file without any names and addresses of the authors and without English abstract. (Authors are required to remove their name, academic position, email, address and telephone number from the article at this stage.)
  1. Completion of commitment forms and conflict of interest:
Authors are required to download the forms of commitment and conflict of interest from the "main page" of the "for authors" section, and after completing them, attach and send them at the beginning of their article file, as well as in the file upload section.
  1. Refereeing and printing costs:
Iranian Journal of Social Problems receives 1,500,000 Rials for the cost of reviewing articles and in case of acceptance, the amount of 4,500,000 Rials for the cost of printing from the authors of the articles (In total, 6,000,000 rials). Receipts must be paid to the account 4001074203005471  In the name of private revenues of Kharazmi University Payment ID: 390074274140107001400291572020 To be deposited in the name of income research and Shaba number IR33010000000000007474205471.  This amount can be paid in any bank where you have an account.
Topic URL in Journal of Social Problems of Iran website:
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