شمارۀ جدید فصلنامه (تابستان 1403) منتشر شد

Process of Reviewing Articles

 | Post date: 2023/11/8 | 
The process of reviewing articles
1. Register on the journal website
In order to submit an article to journal of social problems of Iran, it is necessary for all authors to enter the journal website (https://jspi.khu.ac.ir) and register in it (for the first time) to receive a password and username so that the owner of the page can become your own. The process of submitting the article is done only through the journal website and the author's dedicated page.

2. Submission
- Submission of articles should be done only through the journal website. Articles sent by email will not be considered.
- All correspondence with authors in different stages of the work will be done through website and automatically.

3. Arbitration Article
- Each article is received by the internal manager after uploading it to the journal website. This article is then initially evaluated by the editor of the journal and after meeting the criteria such as compatibility with the goals of the journal, the importance of the topic of the article, the quality of the article, etc., it is sent to the reviewers for evaluation. Sometimes, after the editor's evaluation, the article has structural amendments, which the editor sends to the author to upload it again in the website after correction.
- Therefore, the articles that are deemed suitable for the journal after the initial evaluation of the article by the editor are sent to two reviewers.
- All reviewers who are selected for an article are experts in the subject of the article, and no article is sent to a person outside of the article's expertise for reviewing.
- Journal of Social Problems of Iran uses Double blind expert peer review method in avaluating articles. This means that in the process of reviewing the article, the reviewer and the author do not know each other's identity.

4. Results of article review
After reviewing, according to the results, the articles are divided into three categories:
1- Articles that can be published without modification.
2- Articles that can be published after the corrections desired by the reviewers and during the process of re-evaluation by the reviewers. These articles include two categories:
2-1- The articles that can be published after the minor amendments desired by the reviewers.
2-2- The articles that can be published after the fundamental amendments desired by the reviewers.
3- Articles that cannot be published.
- Note that all articles that are revised, do not necessarily enter the stage of acceptance and publication. Maybe some articles may be rejected and unpublishable even after re-evaluation by reviewers.
- The first category articles that are accepted without modification will be published immediately after paying the acceptance and publication fee.
- The second category articles will be sent to the author of the article in order to apply the corrections desired by the reviewers. After corrections by the author and re-evaluation by the final reviewer, if accepted, it will be published.
- Articles of the third category (rejected and unpublishable) will also be removed from the review path while notifying the author of the article. Naturally, in this case, the author can modify it and send it to other journals after receiving the reviewers' comments about the reasons for rejecting the article and modifying his article based on these comments.
5. Revision of the article
If the reviewers's response is based on minor or major revision, the author must revise the article within two weeks and upload and send its modified file through the website to be included in the reviewing process again.
6. Final acceptance of the article
After the acceptance of the article without correction by the reviewers or after the acceptance of the article on the condition that the corrections desired by the reviewers are made by the author, and after payment of the acceptance and publication fee, the article is placed in the turn of publication. The author will be informed about the publication of the article in future issues of the journal.

7. Information about the status of the article
All article authors can find out about the latest status of their article after entering their own page on the journal website.

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